Executive Editor:
Sydney Smithgall
Sydney Smithgall is a fourth-year student studying English and creative writing on the publishing track. They are currently a writer for the Iowa Reading Research Center and an Honors Writing Fellow. Outside of work, Sydney loves writing poetry, hiking, and spending time with their cats, Pete and Butter.

Managing Editor:
Dennie Addis
Dennie Addis is a fourth-year pre-law student studying English and creative writing on the publishing track with a minor in news and media literacy. When they aren't at work, in class, or working on their latest writing project, they pass the time with reading, crochet, TTRPGs, logic puzzles, and cozy games.

PR & Social Media Director:
Kylie Henderson
Kylie Henderson is a 3rd year Business Marketing and English Publishing Major. They are currently the social media director for New Moon magazine and the Creative Director & Co-Founder of Venus magazine. She loves fantasy novels & romcoms, and when she isn't reading, she is with her cat August.

Production Director:
Gianna Ceriotti
Gianna Ceriotti is a junior honors student at the University of Iowa majoring in English and Creative Writing. She primarily writes gothic and feminist horror, but sometimes dabbles in poetry. This is her first year working on the New Moon staff and she is absolutely stoked to be part of the amazing literary community in Iowa City.

Creative Director:
Emma Hussin
Emma Hussin is a third-year English and Creative Writing and Journalism and Mass Communication double major with a minor in media management. She loves reading and writing all things science fiction, fantasy, and romance. In her spare time, she enjoys petting dogs, playing Minecraft, and watching Game of Thrones.

Creative Director:
Katherine Steahly
Katherine Steahly is studying visual art and creative writing here at UIowa. She’s incredibly eager to collaborate on the design with the New Moon Magazine team.
Prose Editors

Ollie Naber
Ollie Naber is a first-year English and Creative Writing major on the publishing track who hails from small-town West Branch, Iowa. On campus, she is also involved with Ink Lit Mag, Dance Marathon, Camerata Singers, and the Honors Program. Additionally, Ollie tears it up on the roller derby track under her alter ego, Stitches, here in Iowa City.

Alyssa Santoleri
Alyssa is a second year Creative Writing and Publishing, and Theater double major. She has previously worked on InkLit, and is now so excited to continue her literary magazine journey with New Moon! When she's not running around campus, she's probably in the kitchen baking or cooking some new recipe or cozied up with a book.
Katy Vosika
Katy is a fourth year at the University of Iowa studying screenwriting and English and creative writing. She enjoys reading, watching tv, and hanging out with friends.
Poetry Editors

Rachel Heaston
Rachel Heaston is an English and Creative Writing major on the publishing track. When she isn't reading and writing poetry, she loves to spend her time surrounded by friends, good music, and a cat or dog to snuggle. Rachel is thrilled to be a part of the New Moon team!

Jessica Quintero
Jessica Quintero is studying English/Creative Writing at the University of Iowa. She enjoys connecting to communities through literature and is excited to do that as a poetry editor at New Moon this year!

Charice Salazar
Charice Salazar is a fourth-year Journalism & Mass Communications student, with a Certificate in Writing. Aside from consuming media at-large, she fills her time with grandma activities like crocheting and making little trinkets for herself and her friends (and their cats).